Perfil antropométrico y rendimiento deportivo de nadadores de pileta durante el Campeonato Argentino de Natación, 2015

Mercedes Dumont Ferro
Centro de Rehabilitación e Investigación E.L. Maradona, Santa Fe, Argentina

Published 30-12-2023


  • Anthropometry,
  • Swimmer,
  • Sports

How to Cite

Ferro, M. D. (2023). Perfil antropométrico y rendimiento deportivo de nadadores de pileta durante el Campeonato Argentino de Natación, 2015. International Journal of Kinanthropometry, 3(2), 133–149.



Introduction: Anthropometry is one of the sciences applied to sports of great importance in the evaluation of athletes. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the anthropometric characteristics and performance level of Argentine swimmers who participated in the 2015 Argentine Swimming Championships. Methods: 131 male and female Swimmers were studied. The average age of participants was 20 ± 3 years (14yrs-32 yrs). Results: A descriptive, cross-sectional, and correlational study was carried out. 29 anthropometric variables were taken. Conclusions: There are well-defined physical characteristics among swimmers in relation to the reference population, assessing body composition to achieve better sports performance.


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