La Circunferencia del Cuello como predictor del Sobrepeso y Obesidad en Jóvenes Universitarios Mexicanos

Norma Lilia González Jaimes
Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, México.
José Fabián Tláhuext Aca
Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, México.

Published 06-09-2024


  • Neck circumference,
  • BMI,
  • WC,
  • University Students

How to Cite

González Jaimes, N. L., & Tláhuext Aca, J. F. (2024). La Circunferencia del Cuello como predictor del Sobrepeso y Obesidad en Jóvenes Universitarios Mexicanos. International Journal of Kinanthropometry, 4(2), 13–21.



Introduction: Neck circumference (NC) is a novel anthropometric indicator to evaluate accumulated adiposity in the cervical area, with emerging use in Mexico. Objective: determine the predictive capacity of NC for overweight and obesity evaluated by BMI and Waist Circumference (WC) and identify its reference values ​​based on the Mexican Health Standards in a group of university students from the State of Morelos, Mexico. Method: Cross-sectional-observational study. Sample: Not random. Instruments. Anthropometric evaluation with ISAK methodology. Statistical analysis: descriptive, Pearson correlations, One-way ANOVA, Student's t test, Multinomial regression, and Logistic regression by sex, using the SPSS.23 program. Results: n= 334 (71 women and 263 men). Overweight and obesity accounted for 23.9% in women and 37.4% in men. All anthropometric indicators were significantly associated with each other in both sexes. The NC average (cm) was normal weight 31.48 and 35.63; overweight 33.85 and 37.89; obesity 34.69 and 41.44, in women and men, respectively. Finally, it was observed that as the NC increases by one unit, overweight and obesity, evaluated by BMI, increase by 27.86% and 38.26% in women, and in men it increases by 17.96% and 41.37%, respectively. Likewise, the NC average for WC<80 cm in women was 31.49 cm, and WC>90 cm was 34.58 cm. In men, WC<90 cm showed a NC of 36.16 cm, and WC>90 cm for NC of 40.312 cm. On the other hand, as NC increases by one-unit, abdominal obesity, evaluated by WC, increases by 33.74% in women and 23.12% in men. Conclusion: NC revealed to be an adequate indicator in the prediction of overweight and obesity evaluated by BMI and WC.


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