Rápidas bajadas de peso corporal en deportes de combate. Efecto sobre las capacidades físicas

Walter L. Dzurovcin
Doctor en ciencias de la salud. Departamento de Salud, Universidad Nacional de la Matanza, San Justo, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jésica Formoso
Doctora en psicología. Facultad de Psicología, Instituto de Investigaciones, Universidad de Buenos Aires- CONICET:D, Caba, Argentina
María Julia Raimundi
Doctora en psicología. IPSIBAT (CONICET – UNMDP), Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Facultad de Psicología y Relaciones Humanas, Caba, Argentina.

Published 30-06-2023


  • Health sciences,
  • Weight loss,
  • Martial arts

How to Cite

L. Dzurovcin, W., Formoso, J., & Raimundi, M. J. (2023). Rápidas bajadas de peso corporal en deportes de combate. Efecto sobre las capacidades físicas. International Journal of Kinanthropometry, 3(1), 23–33. https://doi.org/10.34256/ijk2314



Introduction: Judo is a combat sport whose competitive classification depends on body weight. Nearly 48 hours before an important competition, 90 % of judokas perform aggressive weight loss strategies looking for relative advantages concerning muscle size and strength. These procedures are generically called rapid weight loss (RWL). There are currently controversies regarding health consequences related to these procedures. Methods: Consisted in a descriptive simulation study of pre-competitive weight adjustment to 14 athletes of the Argentine national judo team. Specific physical tests validated for sport were performed under normal conditions vs conditions of caloric/water volunteer restriction in which a reduction of body weight > = 1,5 kg in 48 hours has been evidenced. Results: The RWL methods most used by those athletes are aggressive calorie/water restriction and active dehydration. The main consequences of these procedures were the increase in heart rate and the greater difficulty in restoring baseline values. Marginal values were found for the measurement of resistance strength of upper limbs. Conclusions: RWL procedures involve more cardiovascular stress, alter the resistance strength of upper limbs, and are generators of a greater possibility of developing eating disorders. Health professionals should be actively involved in the development of safer and more effective strategies. We suggest changes to the guidelines for qualifying weight in.


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