Estado Madurativo, Masa Muscular Y Su Impacto En El Rendimiento Físico De Adolescentes Deportistas De La Provincia De San Luis- Argentina

Adriana Vega Silvia
Universidad Nacional de San Luis – UNSL, San Luis, Argentina
Bentivegna Nadia Romina
Universidad Nacional de San Luis – UNSL, San Luis, Argentina
Sarmiento Guillermo Ezequiel
Universidad Nacional de San Luis – UNSL, San Luis, Argentina

Published 31-12-2021


  • Adolescence,
  • Maturational state,
  • Muscle mass,
  • Physical performance

How to Cite

Vega Silvia, A., Nadia Romina, B., & Ezequiel, S. G. (2021). Estado Madurativo, Masa Muscular Y Su Impacto En El Rendimiento Físico De Adolescentes Deportistas De La Provincia De San Luis- Argentina. International Journal of Kinanthropometry, 1(1), 22–30.



Objective: In adolescence there are important morpho-physiological changes that impact physical performance. Anthropometry is a tool that allows estimating muscle mass (MM) and predicting the maturation state (PHV) in adolescent athletes. The correlation of these indicators with the Counter-Movement Jump (CMJ) test allow us to know what factors condition physical performance in order to establish strategies that improve sports performance. Aim of the study is to evaluate through anthropometry the maturational state, MM and its’ impact on physical performance of adolescent athletes in the province of San Luis. Methodology: Descriptive, quantitative, correlational cross-sectional study. Sample: n = 60 adolescent athletes from the city of San Luis, age range 10 to 19 years. The maturational state and body composition were evaluated anthropometrically using the ISAK Protocol. Sports Physical performance was evaluated using the test of strength levels in the lower limbs by means of Bosco's Protocol for the CMJ. The data obtained were analyzed with SPSS statistical software and with a significance level of 95% accuracy. Pearson's Chi Square test was applied for the correlations. Results: the analyzed adolescent population that had reached the maximum growth peak (PHV), showed that 61.6% (n = 37) had a normal maturational state. Normal maturing male adolescents (n = 17) and late (n = 16) presented a mean of 26 and 26.5 kg of MM, respectively. Normal maturing adolescents (n = 20) presented a mean of 21 kg of MM; while the late ripeners (n = 6) presented an average of 25 Kg of MM. The lower limb strength test showed that 75% (n = 45) of the analyzed population had a low CMJ level. Conclusion: Male adolescents who had already performed the PHV had a higher kg of MM, reaching a higher level of CMJ. The results obtained in this study would allow to establish a relationship between the age of PHV, the kg of MM with the height of the CMJ and the impact on sports physical performance.


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