Weight Class Comparison of Physical and Physiological Parameters in Indian Female Judokas

Ragini Adhikari
Department of Sport Science, Inspire Institute of Sport, Bellary, Karnataka, India
Soumyadip Ghosh
Department of Physiology, Midnapore College, Midnapore, West Bengal, India
Chayan Kundu
Department of Sports Science and Yoga, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute, Belur Math, West Bengal, India
Sahana Kamath
Sri Ramachandra Faculty of Sports and Exercise Sciences, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (DU), Porur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Published 14-12-2024


  • Female Judokas,
  • Weight Class,
  • Physiological Parameters,
  • Performance Metrics,
  • Combat Sports

How to Cite

Adhikari, R., Ghosh, S., Kundu, C., & Kamath, S. (2024). Weight Class Comparison of Physical and Physiological Parameters in Indian Female Judokas. International Journal of Kinanthropometry, 4(3), 44–56. https://doi.org/10.34256/ijk2435



This study investigates the physiological traits of Indian female judokas across weight categories, addressing a gap in research on their performance metrics and the specific demands of their sport to optimize health and competitive outcomes. Thirty-two district-level judokas, aged 12–19, participated in assessments of key fitness variables over two days. Statistical analyses, including Spearman's correlation and one-way ANOVA, revealed significant differences in physical characteristics: Extra-Lightweight judokas excelled in the Standing Broad Jump, while Half-Medium weight judokas demonstrated greater handgrip strength, and VO2max. The study highlights notable relationships among key performance variables, suggesting that targeted training may enhance these athletes' physical fitness. The findings offer valuable insights for coaches to tailor training programs and emphasize the importance of establishing normative fitness benchmarks for judo by weight category to refine and optimize training strategies.


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