La Circunferencia del Cuello como predictor del Sobrepeso y Obesidad en Jóvenes Universitarios Mexicanos
Published 06-09-2024
- Neck circumference,
- BMI,
- WC,
- University Students
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Copyright (c) 2024 Norma Lilia González Jaimes, José Fabián Tláhuext Aca

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Introduction: Neck circumference (NC) is a novel anthropometric indicator to evaluate accumulated adiposity in the cervical area, with emerging use in Mexico. Objective: determine the predictive capacity of NC for overweight and obesity evaluated by BMI and Waist Circumference (WC) and identify its reference values based on the Mexican Health Standards in a group of university students from the State of Morelos, Mexico. Method: Cross-sectional-observational study. Sample: Not random. Instruments. Anthropometric evaluation with ISAK methodology. Statistical analysis: descriptive, Pearson correlations, One-way ANOVA, Student's t test, Multinomial regression, and Logistic regression by sex, using the SPSS.23 program. Results: n= 334 (71 women and 263 men). Overweight and obesity accounted for 23.9% in women and 37.4% in men. All anthropometric indicators were significantly associated with each other in both sexes. The NC average (cm) was normal weight 31.48 and 35.63; overweight 33.85 and 37.89; obesity 34.69 and 41.44, in women and men, respectively. Finally, it was observed that as the NC increases by one unit, overweight and obesity, evaluated by BMI, increase by 27.86% and 38.26% in women, and in men it increases by 17.96% and 41.37%, respectively. Likewise, the NC average for WC<80 cm in women was 31.49 cm, and WC>90 cm was 34.58 cm. In men, WC<90 cm showed a NC of 36.16 cm, and WC>90 cm for NC of 40.312 cm. On the other hand, as NC increases by one-unit, abdominal obesity, evaluated by WC, increases by 33.74% in women and 23.12% in men. Conclusion: NC revealed to be an adequate indicator in the prediction of overweight and obesity evaluated by BMI and WC.
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